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Dr. Yulhma Virginia Balderas Ortiz is an expert in Comparative Law and Constitutional Justice.

In this field she served as State Attorney at the Procuraduría Fiscal de la Federación in Mexico City, before the Constitutional Court and the federal courts of the United Mexican States.

She also cared for free of charge subscription procedures of cooperation and mutual assistance in matters of common interest between the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation of the United Mexican States and the Italian Constitutional Court. Subscription that was made possible by the “team work”, in which the Vice President Emeritus of the Italian Constitutional Court, Prof. Enzo Cheli, deserves the first thanks, since he has always listened very carefully to the “dreams” of a young colleague (me) in the research of constitutional justice. Also, the Presidents Emeritus of the Italian Constitutional Court, Dr. Francesco Amirante, Prof. Franco Gallo, Prof. Giuseppe Tesauro and Prof. Gaetano Silvestri; the constitutional judge of the Italian Constitutional Court, Avv. Giuseppe Frigo; and current President, Prof. Paolo Grossi.

Finally, very “precious” was the co-ordination of procedures for the signing of the agreement of cooperation and mutual assistance in matters of common interest between the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation of the United Mexican States and the Italian Constitutional Court, carried out in coordination with Dr. Umberto Zingales, which was finally signed in Mexico, D.F, on February 28, 2013 and in Rome, on March 14, 2013.  V.

Thank you very much for everything! Thanks again! President: Franco Gallo. Thanks Italy!

As a result of this collaboration agreement, Dr. Yulhma Virginia Balderas Ortiz has been developing different issues about the advanced training course on «Justicia Constitucional en el Estado Italiano y su análisis comparado con la Justicia Constitucional en el Estado Mexicano», a project she devised and launched in 2012 in Mexico City in the IESCH (Instituto de Estudios Superiores del Colegio Holandes). This course is reserved for law students, recent graduates and Italian scholars of public law.

Furthermore, among the research topics of Dr. Balderas Ortiz:

Dr. Yulhma Virginia Balderas Ortiz has deepened issues regarding constitutional law and the Italian constitutional justice in recent years, a topic which derives from the title of PhD in Public Law, title she obtained at the Graduate School of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, coordinated by Prof. Antonio D’Atena on June 18, 2010, with the title: “La giustizia costituzionale italiana e messicana”. She has also earned a Master’s degree in Health and Pharmaceutical Law from the University of Rome “Tre”. Here I submitted on May 24, 2012 the theme of the final examination, a research entitled: “Corte Suprema e sviluppo della governance nel sistema sanitario messicano”. In particular she developed a study on «The right to health in the Mexican constitutional jurisprudence».

Different activities as Assistant Professor (Visiting Professor) have been developed by Dr. Balderas, including her collaboration with the Department of Administrative Law, directed by Guido Corso and Dr. Guerino Fares at Rome University “Tre”, imparting the seminar on «La governance nel sistema bancario messicano e lo sviluppo della giurisprudenza costituzionale nel sistema delle finanze». And as an Assistant Professor (Visiting Professor), Professor of legal foundations of social security, headed by Prof. Fabrizio Proietti at the University “Sapienza” of Rome, imparting the seminar on “Sistema costituzionale messicano di sicurezza sociale, con particolare riferimento alla giurisprudenza costituzionale in materia dei diritti sociali”.

Dr. Yulhma Virginia Balderas Ortiz has developed several research studies on the subject, in that facility, that can be found in:

AA.VV., Appunti sul Diritto Pubblico Comparato, a cura di Y. V. Balderas Ortiz e gli AA.VV., Appunti sul Social Housing (Infonavit) vigente negli Stati Uniti Messicani a cura di Y. V. Balderas Ortiz, documenti base per i partecipanti dei Seminari sul sistema costituzionale messicano di sicurezza sociale: con particolare riferimento al Derecho de vivienda svoltosi a Roma, presso la Facoltà di Economia dell’ Università La Sapienza, Aula Navarrini del Dipartimento di Diritto ed Economia dell’impresa (II° piano) negli anni accademici 2012-2013-2014. Inoltre, AA.VV., Diritti sociali nella giurisprudenza della Corte Suprema messicana, Atti della Giornata di Studi tenutasi a Roma, presso la Facoltà di Economia dell’Università La Sapienza, Sala Convegni Pietro Onida III piano, il 18 aprile 2012, a cura di Y. V. Balderas Ortiz. Ed ancora, AA.VV., L’Infonavit come modello di riferimento per una lettura evolutiva del Diritto alla Casa come Diritto Umano e universale per le giovani generazioni in Europa, a cura di Y. V. Balderas Ortiz; AA.VV., Il quadro del sistema economico e di Social Housing negli Stati Uniti messicani. I quaranta anni di operatività dell’Infonavit, a cura di Y. V. Balderas Ortiz e gli AA.VV., Atti del Seminario Il Diritto Universale alla Casa per le giovani generazioni in Europa: ordinamenti o strumenti di attuazione messicani ed italiani a confronto, svoltosi a Roma, presso la Facoltà di Economia dell’ Università La Sapienza, Aula S. Pescatore, II piano, il 18 dicembre 2013. Inoltre, AA.VV., Il modello Infonavit come punto di riferimento per una lettura evolutiva del diritto alla casa: un diritto umano e universale per le generazioni presenti e future, ai sensi di quanto riferito dalla Dichiarazione universale dei diritti dell’uomo; il Patto internazionale sui diritti economici, sociali e culturali; la Convenzione sui diritti dell’infanzia; la Convenzione per l’eliminazione di ogni forma di discriminazione contro le donne; la Carta Sociale Europea; la Convenzione Europea dei Diritti dell’Uomo; ed infine la Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell’Unione Europea la c.d. Carta di Nizza, Atti della Giornata di Studi tenutasi a Roma, presso la Facoltà di Economia dell’Università La Sapienza, II piano, il 26 maggio 2014, a cura di Y. V. Balderas Ortiz.

And again, recently in the collective publication DOMUS XXI: “From the dream of the “right to housing” designed by the Fathers of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States of 1917 (VI, art. 123 CF) and from the INFONAVIT Law of 1972 to the dream of the international community: the human right to have a house worthy, respectful of the environment and of other living beings, primary source of social security and therefore facilitated by the States for families”.

A book (Ebook) to understand how the development of the Mexican model of Social Housing (Infonavit) can give an initial impetus to eradicate the status of “homeless” from the face of the earth, with the aim of gradual elimination, by reducing the cost of housing for people who do not have enough resources, thus helping to give a “reading of the evolution of the right to housing”, so to ensure a form of dignified life for every human being.

Ebook, Youcanprint Self-Publishing, 15/12/2015, ISBN/EAN 9788896803196, Italian Language ISBN/EAN-13 9788896803196


Currently the research lines of Dr. Yulhma Virginia Balderas Ortiz include: comparative law, constitutional justice and the impact of the global economy in the sphere of human rights. V.